When smelling, the leaves exude a light, almost fruity cumin scent. To benefit from their aromas you have to cook them.
Their flavor is more of a mixture of lemongrass and basil with a hint of anise. Once sautéed, they will exude their flavors and bring a real touch from elsewhere!
The curry leaves will add a rounded touch and enhance your dishes. You will love !
They are used wonderfully in simmered meat, chicken, fish, a vegetable dish, to flavor rice water or couscous, in a broth or to make a sauce.
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Like many plants, kaloupilé is used in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Indian medicine. Its roots, leaves and bark are used to lower blood pressure through an infusion or reduce intestinal disorders in a mixture of bran and rice.
Some studies tend to demonstrate the action of fresh leaf extract on diabetes and its power against cancer.
The information contained on this site is never intended to be medical/prescriptive, as it is provided for informational purposes only, and cannot therefore replace medical advice.