Very cheap, fine and refined salt should be avoided on a daily basis. Indeed, it contains many other substances apart from sodium chloride, the effects of which on health are unknown.
Table salt generally contains anti-caking agents to prevent it from becoming humid: phosphates, silicon dioxides or aluminum derivatives.
Our salt is unrefined, which means that it has not been cooked and still has all of its naturally occurring and healthy minerals.
It is in its raw state and has had no added fluorine or iodine.
Unlike sea salt, Himalayan salt does not contain micro-plastics.
Pink salt is a little stronger in taste than white salt and can be used in the same way to enhance your dishes and cooking.
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Pink salt is extracted from saline rocks, close to the Himalayan range. It is a raw, unrefined salt, rich in trace elements, and not iodized.
It is also called Himalayan pink salt or Himalayan salt.
The pink shades of rock salt come from the presence of iron oxides. When it is made of rock it has a translucent pink color, however, when it is finely ground, its color is closer to off-white-yellow.
Unrefined, Himalayan pink salt is particularly rich in mineral salts and trace elements including iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. Unlike sea salt, this rock salt is non-iodized. Renowned for its detoxifying effects.
The information contained on this site is never intended to be medical/prescriptive, as it is provided for informational purposes only, and therefore cannot be a substitute for medical advice.