With its unique scent, Nepalese garlic will make all your dishes unique.
You can use it almost everywhere!
Garlic powder is nothing more and nothing less than dried and ground garlic.
The advantage is better preservation over time and ease of use.
Ground garlic is particularly suitable for spicing up your meats, fish, salads, sauces, soups, fondues and cheese dishes, pizzas, pastas, vegetables, etc.
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Garlic is particularly rich in virtues. First, it helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
In fact, the pod blocks the destruction of certain fatty acids.
Likewise, it allows better use of the cholesterol that our body produces. By causal link, our body has less need to produce it and this reduces cholesterol levels. The small pod also has an impact on liver health.
Garlic has a modest hypotensive effect, it can lower blood pressure, this is its anti-stress effect. It acts effectively on the functioning of the heart, cardiovascular health and blood vessels.
Furthermore, it has the particularity of acting on blood coagulation, allowing it to be more fluid, in order to reduce the risk of clots. This may be useful in preventing atherosclerosis.
Thanks to vitamins A, C and B, it contributes to general physical well-being. In short, it is effective in promoting physical and mental vitality.
Garlic is known as an antioxidant. It helps fight the formation of free radicals as well as stress.
In addition, it contributes to effective immune function by boosting our immune defenses.
Its compounds also help, according to the WHO, to reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques which are deposited on the walls of the arteries and increase the risk of stroke. According to studies, the disease develops 3 times less quickly in subjects consuming garlic.
The information contained on this site is never intended to be medical/prescriptive, as it is provided for informational purposes only, and therefore cannot be a substitute for medical advice.