As a seed, fennel can be used raw or cooked.
Fennel seeds are used very well with mushrooms, endives, fish gratins, meats and cheeses.
You can use this spice with poultry or roasted meat.
Fennel seeds can also be used to garnish your breads, pretzels and cookies.
Their flavor is quite sweet and reminiscent of anise.
As a herbal tea, fennel seeds can be consumed in the form of an infusion. Add 2 teaspoons per cup of infusion to benefit from the virtues of fennel.
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They promote digestive comfort and good intestinal transit.
Fennel seed is also an excellent general tonic.
It also has expectorant properties useful in cases of bronchitis.
Fennel seed infusion is traditionally used to facilitate mothers' milk production and can act on infant colitis.
In a steam bath, it could calm eye irritations.
This seed can also be used as an infusion in case of irritation of the throat or pharynx in order to soothe the respiratory tract.
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