Its flavor is very strong, pronounced and typical. It is a spice that is generally used whole and we rarely use more than two or three at most to make a dish.
It is found in the recipe for gingerbread, but also in the preparation of sauerkraut and stews. It is used to spice up vegetable, beef, poultry broths, etc.
It goes wonderfully well with paprika, as a marinade to prepare white meats or fish.
If you make your own jams or marmalades, place one in each jar. A delight!
In pastry, we find it in the recipes of many cakes and tarts, and we readily associate it with apples as an alternative to cinnamon, but also in biscuit recipes, such as the classic speculoos.
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Clove has many health benefits. It is often described, like garlic, as a superfood.
Of all known foodstuffs, cloves are the richest in antioxidants, ahead of cinnamon, thyme and oregano.
It has antiseptic and anesthetic properties which are widely recommended for treating or relieving dental and gum pain. For centuries, it was recommended to chew or suck a clove in case of toothache. It won't replace the dentist, but cloves will certainly allow you to wait until your appointment time more peacefully!
In infusion, it helps fight bad breath. This age-old tradition in China is the reason why we find cloves in many tea blends.
It is also an excellent antibacterial which can be very effective in cases of urinary infection or stomach pain.
Finally, if we like its flavor, insects hate it! Making an amber apple with an orange or better, a lemon, will have the effect of repelling flies, wasps and even, to a certain extent, mosquitoes! And much more effectively than a homemade citronella repellent...
The information contained on this site is never intended to be medical/prescriptive, as it is provided for informational purposes only, and cannot therefore replace medical advice.
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