The KHLA black and white pepper mix is the ideal combined product for peppering and spicing all your foods, especially barbecued meats or fish!
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The Cambodian pepper producer with whom Khla has been working for almost 10 years is one of the first farmers among the 12 certified to have obtained the "Kampot pepper" designation in Cambodia. He actively participated in the creation of this label in 1992 and today it is one of the only farms owned by a Cambodian. The pepper is harvested when ripe around February before being dried in the sun and then sorted by hand.
Kampot pepper is considered by connoisseurs to be the best pepper in the world, due to its exceptional operating and harvesting conditions. The mixture of black and red KHLA peppers brings the scents and tastes of both peppers, both strength and delicacy.
Kampot pepper is recognized in Cambodia for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also aids digestion and freshens breath.
The KHLA black and red pepper mix is the ideal combined product for peppering all your foods, from appetizers to desserts!
The information contained on this site is never intended to be medical/prescriptive, as it is provided for informational purposes only, and therefore cannot be a substitute for medical advice.
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