Kampot KHLA white pepper is packaged in grains and vacuum-packed to be freshly ground in a pepper mill or crushed in a mortar and thus release all its flavor on white meats, barbecue, it flavors while remaining invisible in white sauces , bechamels, etc.
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Our exclusive producer has been carefully selected by Khla for the rigor of its specifications. The exploitation as well as its drying-sorting workshop are in Kampot itself, cradle of the eponymous pepper, in the south of Cambodia.
The Piper-nigrum is a liana with oval leaves 4 to 5 meters high which flourishes on the heights of the small mountains (phnom) in the province of Kampot, swept by the sea winds of the nearby Gulf of Siam. The fruit of this tree is harvested in bunches at different degrees of ripeness. White pepper is harvested green (like black pepper), then immersed in a bath of clear water which allows the epicarp (skin) to peel off and thus retain only the heart of the berry.
Kampot pepper is considered by connoisseurs to be the best pepper in the world, due to its exceptional operating and harvesting conditions. Kampot KHLA white pepper develops strong and powerful aromas. Its spicy taste is wild, loaded with pure piperine, unaltered by the presence of the epicarp.
Kampot white pepper is recognized in Cambodia for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also aids digestion and freshens breath. The greatest health benefit of this spice is its ability to increase the bioavailability of other nutrients.
The information contained on this site is never intended to be medical/prescriptive, as it is provided for informational purposes only, and therefore cannot be a substitute for medical advice.
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