Exotic dried fruit of yellow-orange color, with a discreet, sweet taste and whose flavor is comparable to that of mango and pineapple without the tangy notes.
Can be rehydrated or simply allowed to slowly melt in the mouth.
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(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
A treasure trove of B vitamins:
On its own, jackfruit is a mine of B vitamins (present in few fruits) with a high complex of components such as pyridoxine (active form of vitamin B6), niacin (vitamin B3), riboflavin (vitamin B2), acid folic (vitamin B9).
Energy booster:
It is ideal for giving a boost to tired or sick bodies. It provides 95 calories per 100 g with little saturated fat and almost no traces of cholesterol. It is also a superfruit that wards off viruses and bacteria and protects our body against infections. Its consumption helps our body function properly and strengthens our immune system. It is a significant source of potassium and magnesium, not forgetting iron which helps fight the risk of anemia.
A reinforcement for the heart:
Its combination of minerals and vitamins: manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium… come into play in the preservation of our cells and control heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, calcium promotes good blood clotting and keeps bones strong.
An ally for the digestive system:
Jackfruit is very rich in fiber which makes it a natural dressing to protect the colon from polluting waste. On the one hand, it facilitates digestion with its high fiber content. On the other hand, it prevents the risk of stomach ulcers and plays a role in intestinal problems such as diarrhea. A tip: a decoction of jackfruit bark is ideal for effectively stopping diarrhea.
A natural cure for certain cancers?
Studies have shown that jackfruit prevents the risk of colon cancer and helps protect against other infectious diseases. Nutrients contained in jackfruit such as lignans, isoflavones, phytonutrients and saponins protect against free radicals involved in the formation of cancer cells.
A youth asset
The anti-oxidants in jackfruit immunize our cells and DNA against the effects of free radicals. It is then a good way to maintain our youth capital.
The information contained on this site is never of a medical/prescriptive nature, but is provided for informational purposes only and therefore cannot replace medical advice.